Fieseler Fi-156C Storch V2
Fieseler Fi-156C Storch EP 63" ARF Folding Wing V2
The Fieseler Fi-156 Storch (pronounced Stork) was a small German liaison and observation aircraft built by Fieseler before and during World War II. It included a design feature that was rare for land-based aircraft: the wings on the Storch could be folded back along the fuselage.
The Storch could be found on every front throughout the European and North African theaters of operation in World War II. It was probably most famous for its role in rescuing deposed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. The Storch was the personal aircraft of German Field Marshal Rommel (known as the Desert Fox) in North Africa. During the war at least 60 Storchs were captured by the Allies, one becoming the personal aircraft of Field Marshal Montgomery.
This RC Storch has the same feature that the pilot can fold back the wing, then a 63” wingspan Storch can easily fit into a compact car. Different from other RC versions and sizes of the Storch, this one has maximum throw of ailerons, and it comes with functional slats and flaps, and the option of a Scale Upgrade Package which includes a Scale Pilot Seat, Dashboard, Machine Gun, Airspeed Sensor, Light and Oil Cooler, all stored in a handsome plywood box.
Improvements on Version 2
1. Shock absorb landing gear is solid composite material, make the gear stronger than previous version
2. Steerable tail wheel add to the rudder, no more wheel linkage with with rudder
3. Gull-shaped winglet is not pre-glued for safe shipping
4. Servos are not pre-installed, customer could choose the name brand they like
5. Some plywood parts in Version 1 are replaced by composite parts
Spec:Wingspan: 63"
Overall length: 40"
Ready to fly weight: about 2 lbs 14 oz
Prop: 11x6, 11x7
Motor Required: Uranus 35425 or same size brushless motor,
Battery Required: 3S 2100 mAh Li-Po
Radio Required: 5ch, 6 mini servos (not include)Special Features:
1. Scale Folding-Wing design
2. Shock-absorbing scale landing gear
3. Functional flaps and slats
4. Special designed ailerons allow maximum throw setup
5. Optional detail upgrade box
6. Steerable tail wheelInstruction Manual click here Addendum click hereFull Product Reviews of Version 1
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Flying Video
click here to see Storch video at our You Tube Channel
Other items you might need
Detail Upgrade Package for scale
Hitec HS55 Servo (you need 6 for electric or 7 for glow set up)
Servo extension cable ( you need 12"x4, Y Harness x2)
Servo Extemsion Safty Clips
Replacement Parts click here